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The key factor in choosing the method of surgical approach during plastic surgery is the nature of the existing nose defect. For some deviations, it is important to be able to observe all the structures in the operative intervention area. For instance, the optimal method when performing a complete rhinoplasty or correction of the nasal tip, when installing implants, when dealing with extensive defects, or eliminating asymmetry, is considered to be an open surgery. If the purpose of the operation is to correct the columella or the nose alae, then a closed method is preferable. In addition, it should be taken into account that after an open operative intervention, it will take longer to recover. Therefore, making a decision of which rhinoplasty is better for a particular patient – open or closed – should be rather entrusted to a specialist. It is only the surgeon who will be able to adequately assess all the advantages of a particular method, taking into account the patient's peculiarities.

What is the difference between closed and open rhinoplasty?

Open and closed rhinoplasty differ mainly in the method of operative approach during surgery. During open rhinoplasty, the surgeon's actions are performed through a small incision along the columella – the narrowest point of the nasal septum, after which the skin above the cartilage is lifted. After the planned manipulations, the wound is sutured. Thanks to the cosmetic stitch, the incision trace is almost invisible after healing. Closed rhinoplasty is performed through incisions in the nasal mucosa, without damaging the vessels located at the nasal tip. In contrast to the open method, closed rhinoplasty is less traumatic. There are no external stitches left after it, and the recovery passes faster.

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